CentOS 7
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oVirt 4.1 : Create Virtual Machine
Create Virtual Machine on oVirt Admin Portal.
This example is based on the environment below.
                     | [ oVirt Management ] |
                                  +-----+    dlp.srv.world     |
+-----------------+               |     |                      |
|                 |     |     +----------------------+
| Client Computer |---------------+
|                 |               |     +----------------------+
+-----------------+               |     |    [ oVirt Node ]    |
                                  +-----+   node01.srv.world   |
                     |                      |

[1] Download ISO file you'd like to install for guestOS on oVirt admin Server. Next, upload it like follows.
# command : engine-iso-uploader -i [ISO Domain] upload [ISO File]

[root@dlp ~]#
engine-iso-uploader -i ISO_DOMAIN upload /tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso

Please provide the REST API password for the admin@internal oVirt Engine user (CTRL+D to abort):  
# oVirt admin password

INFO: Start uploading /tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso
Uploading: [########################################] 100%
INFO: /tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso uploaded successfully
[2] Access to oVirt Adminr Portal and move to [Virtual Machine] tab and click [New VM].
[3] Input values for virtual machine you'd like to create.
[4] Scroll down the screen and for [Instance Images] section, click [Create] button to create virtual disks for VM.
[5] Input values for virtual disks and click OK.
[6] For [nic1] section on the bottom, select network interface like follows for VM to connect to network. It's OK all, click [OK] button to finish.
[7] Right-Click the VM and select [Run Once] to boot VM.
[8] For initial boot, check a box [Attach CD] and select ISO image to install OS.
[9] Right-Click the VM and select [Console] to connect to VM's console.
[10] The console screen of Virtual Machine is displayed, proceed to install.
[11] Installation finished and Virtual Machine is running now.